Tuesday, June 15, 2010

God Transforms Us by Renewing Our Minds

God has provided a way to free us from my old corrupted belief system. God tells us to no longer walk or live by the same futile way of thinking. He has give us His Word, so we can change my beliefs and experience healing and change in our lives. This change takes place as we allow God to renew our minds (beliefs)

We must reject these false beliefs or lies before the truth can change our lives. The more we believe what God says, the more we can experience a life of joy and peace. Believing and acting on the truth sets us free from sin's destructive power.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Romans 12:2

Notice that God does not tell us to renew our behavior or our emotions, but our minds.

The problem lies with our belief system. What we truly believe is revealed by how we live, not by what we know.

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